After Beta Sigma Psi National Lutheran Fraternity was founded in April of 1925 at University of Illinois, chapters started to form at colleges across the midwest. It was on November 29th, 1945 that the Concordia Club was formed at Iowa State University.
The Concordia Club was an organization of communicant Lutheran men whose purpose was to provide a home for its members, to foster spiritual welfare and fellowship, to encourage high scholarship, and to aid each member in developing his abilities to the fullest extent.
When the club was formed, only eight members and their counselor, Pastor Martin Mueller, were in the membership. Mr. Herman Siefkes of the Lincoln, Nebraska, Alumni Chapter of Beta Sigma Psi aided the Concordia Club by lending his assistance in their continued development. His hopes were that someday the group would become an active chapter of Beta Sigma Psi.

Current Chapter House in 1964
Arrangements were made by the Lincoln Alumni Chapter to lease a house from the Iowa District West of the Missouri Synod Lutheran Church and in turn, subleased it to the Concordia Club.
The members did not move into the house, then a women's rooming house known as Atkinson Lodge, until the fall of 1946.
The club members who attended college during the summer semester of 1946 purchased additional furniture and equipment for the house before they were to move in. They interviewed and accepted new men to live in the house since they did not at the time have enough members to fill the house. Pastor H. G. Belsheim, serving during the temporary absence of Pastor Mueller, gave some valuable aid in interviewing prospects.
The first semester of living in the Concordia Club's new home was full of difficulties. Nearly forty men had to organize themselves into a coherent, working body. Many of the new men were not familiar with the purposes and aims of the club. Misunderstandings had to be solved, but as the year passed, definite progress was made in unifying all members into a more smoothly functioning group.

Boarding House 1946 - 1956
Purchased by Delta Alumni and rented to Epsilon during its time. It was torn down when the church expanded.
During the late winter of 1947, uncertainty concerning the destiny of the Concordia Club crystallized among its members. Should the club now apply for recognition as a chapter of Beta Sigma Psi, or should it remain in its present status? After lots of discussion and consideration, it was decided to delay the decision for yet another year.
Not all that is to be learned at college comes from textbooks and classes. The Concordia Club sought for its members the experiences and opportunities that were necessary for a well-rounded personality. The wholesome atmosphere inherent in living among Christian students helped keep standards of conduct at a high level. The organization of Concordia Club and the part each member had in it gave practice in cooperation and leadership that was invaluable later in life. All members were encouraged to participate in the activities of campus organizations of their own choice. The club entered intramural sports competitions so that members could play together in games that they liked.
In the fall of 1948, the Concordia Club changed its name to the Concordia Fraternity of Beta Sigma Psi. It was a little more than a year later that the Concordia Fraternity made the decision to become a part of Beta Sigma Psi. On October 29, 1949, 31 members chartered the fraternity with the State of Iowa and were then known as the Epsilon Chapter of Beta Sigma Psi
Epsilon Chapter continued to grow and rented a house at 158 North Hyland from 1956 to 1987. The Ames Alumni Board designed and purchased the house on 223 Lynn Avenue from 1987 to 2010. The house was built in 2 - 3 months and Norm Rudy, one of our starting members of Epsilon chapter, was an architect on the project.

223 Lynn 1986 - 2010
North Hyland 1956 - 1986
In 2010, the Alumni Board purchased the house which Epsilon Chapter uses to this day on 2132 Sunset Drive. The alumni celebrated in 2017 when the mortgage was fully paid off.

2132 Sunset Drive 2010 - Present